Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Pirates! Cannons! Battleships! Earn vast wealth as you trade between bountiful islands and confront cutthroat enemies to plunder their treasures. Captain mighty vessels and command your salty crew as you seek revenge on your mutinous former 1st Mate...

Hello blog! Been a long time! I've been busy with my good friend Jon Kelly working on a game: HighSeas. This game has a long history of slow development but just recently we've been working hard to get it done! We've released this promo pic to get the news out about the game, which we are planning to release later this year. So exciting! Take a look here for more information:

I'm going to try to be more on this blog and use it as a development blog to give you all some updates about progress. Keep your eyes peeled for more fun pictures and snippets like this to come soon! Here are more links to follow myself and Jon for development news:

Looking forward to having more to show off soon!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Finally! Creativity! haha carved pumpkins with the folks last night. My dad had the idea for the eyepatch and mouth shape on mine, even though he didn't carve. My mom did the smiley one. She's good at the cute ones, even though her pumpkin was like a rock and I had to help with some of the carving.

Hope everyone has a safe and fun halloween! Eat candy and get crunkkk

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The past is a grotesque animal

The past is a grotesque animal
and in it's eyes you see,
how completely wrong, you can be
- Of Montreal

Regret is a silly thing. Hindsight being 20/20 is a rather misleading phrase, because we can't see the past, just remember it. Memories have a funny way of being warped by the dreamer, whether that dreamer be conscious or otherwise.

Memories and moments come together in the mind as a linear stream, a story to be told again and again, but the experiences of the soul are not bound to time. The emotions of the past come to us but those feelings are not tied to the present mind. Our past should become a mausoleum of sorts, to be used as a reflecting pool into the soul.

Use the emotions from the past to guide future decisions, but do not dwell on things that are already in the past, because it will only serve to eat away at your soul. The best thing to do to heal a wounded soul is share the energy from the world around. Keep moving forward in the linear progression of time, and let your soul grow from the lessons of the past.

If you think about it, the person you are now has already gained from any mistakes or successes in the past, and to think you are any less of a person for that is wrong. By acknowledging the past you already are way ahead of the game for any similar issues that can come at you from then on, so why get stuck in a rut about something you can't change anyways?

It's time for everyone to start thinking about what they can change. I miss creation, art, and adventure. The working world and being at a desk all day is damn draining on the imagination parts of your brain. This post marks the start of my re-entrance back into the world of art and creativity. I hope to use this blog to post my creations, and eventually it will be a development blog for my projects. Time to get started...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's been a long time coming

But I finally got a real domain and made a more formal looking page. Actual site content to come at a later date when I have something awesome to show. Which WILL be soon - just you wait. Any requests for content from my old site to be posted can be sent to my new email:

Here it is, my new calling card:
This is a Statement! Productions

“Time is for dragonflies and angels. The former live too little and the latter live too long.” 
― James ThurberThe 13 Clocks

Friday, August 12, 2011

...Let us descend into the blind world.

Dark, profound it was, and cloudy, so that though I fixed my sight on the bottom I did not discern anything there. - Dante Alighieri